How we select cities and organizations
We considered multiple factors when selecting organizations for our directory, including:
- Robust history of victories
- Tenure and local credibility
- Engaged membership
- Frequency of engagement
- Organization and activist area of focus
- Transparency of budget and operations
Please note: our list isn’t exhaustive of every civil rights organization in a city.
Why we chose 3-6 organizations per city
Research shows people get overwhelmed with too many choices and end up not picking any option at all. That’s why we selected a small number of organizations and activists per city. In some regions, we discovered a smaller presence of advocacy groups who are focused on police brutality.
Why we prioritized these cities
We’re a small team with a lengthy review process, so we prioritized the top 20 cities with the largest number of brutality killings using data from the Mapping Police Violence project. If you don’t see your city, check out our national page to follow organizations with a wider reach. If we’ve missed a critical organization or you have any feedback about our list, contact us.